
Ayomitunde Fafore

Software Engineer

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About Me

I graduated from Georgia State University with a Bachelors in computer science. I am interested in algorithms, specifically graph algorithms.

I had three internships starting from my Junior year and I enjoyed them. I learned a lot from my previous internships and I am still learning everyday. I studied computer science because I enjoy problem solving, if I need to do the same task twice then I would try to make a program to solve such task.

Latest Projects


Carduino Image

An autonomous car controlled by two arduino uno.

  • One arduino for calculating distance
  • Second arduino for moving motors
The car is simply directed based on it's distance to any object.

YouTube Video

Graph GUI

Graphify Image

An application used to visualize algorithms.
Functionalities include:

  • Create a graph that consist of Nodes and Edges
  • Run algorithms such as Bfs, Dfs, Dijkstra e.t.c
  • The graph can also be queried i.e. Find neighboring nodes
The car is simply directed based on it's distance to any object.

View Source on Github

Work Experience

Software Engineer 1 - Ciena Corporation (Aug 2016 - Present)

  • Researching and implementing path finding algorithms
  • Delegation of java API as a rest service which will be used by various micro services
  • JSON processing for POJO/POCO object generation and mappings between objects
  • Bug fixes and feature implementation. Maintenance of OnePlanner Desktop application
  • Refactoring to ensure object oriented programming and reduce redundancies

Software Developer Coop (Network Planning) - Ciena (Sep 2015 - July 2016)

  • Bug fixes, feature enhancements, and code refactoring.
  • Created a java application which used to generated graphs to show improvement or decline in performance test.
  • Visualized algorithm speed/progress through graphs. Researched and Visualized optimization algorithms
    like K-Nearest Neighbors, Genetic algorithm, and Simulated Annealing

Student Technical 1 TDP - AT&T (June 2015 - Aug 2015)

  • Provide better understanding of current NEST functionalities to allow stakeholders/users better understand how it functions in support of streamlining future enhancement requests.
  • Research the MVC pattern, specifically Cakephp, JQuery and Angular

Software Engineer Intern - ICF International (Sept 2014 - May 2015)

  • Continue the development of a dashboard/reporting system for projects ICF is working on for CDC.
  • Work includes analysis:
  • .NET programming
  • SQL server database development and Modification
  • Testing
  • Documentation and user training.